Chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty - the technique used

May 27, 2010

  • Chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty
  • Subtleties procedures

Straightening: the subtleties of procedure

One of the great things about our day - an incredible development of chemical science, the expansion of knowledge, experts are used to ensure that women become more beautiful. Today, women can not only make a perm in order to save time to work with curlers or curling irons. In the same way you can now unleash stubborn curls, thus depriving Ringworm - not only infectious disease  Ringworm - not only infectious disease
   hair need to be subject to daily "browning" metal or ceramic irons, as well as save a lot of time that a woman holds a hair dryer and a round brush.

 Subtleties treatments | chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty

Relaxed Hair

Chemical straightening is called relaxation. Its advantages are obvious, and concern the undoubted convenience in daily hair care and save time for their constant pulling. Then, if even after we straightened hair by conventional methods in the home, is unlikely to keep them smooth if, for example, it starts to rain, or even increase humidity. Chemical relaxation remove from the agenda a similar problem.

Relaxation makes the hair straight or very straight for two to three months, after which it will have to re-visit the salon. The fact is that during this time the roots grow hair that will naturally curly, and this hairstyle will look unnatural if you do not control it. When re-master of relaxation causes the entire length of a special protective structure and roots meanwhile, will be subjected to the action of relaxing lotion.

 Subtleties treatments | chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty

Straightening composition

Hair straightening is due to the fact that the chemical composition breaks the disulfide bonds of the hair inside the column, and curl "relaxes", taking a more direct form. The composition of the lotion may be different, the wizard picks it up, depending on the condition of the hair.

The protagonists of relaxing compositions - is sodium hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate. Sodium hydroxide - strong alkaline relaxant, which seriously damages the structure of the hair column, so it is used for the tight curls. In order to make it safer, before applying the composition on the basis of his scalp protect vaseline cream. Thioglycolic different relaxant cream base, which, in spite of the same chemicals that violate the structure of hair, softer effect, take care of the hair. It is used to thin hair or when the radical is not required straightening.

After work on the chemical composition of hair, neutralizing its effect is removed and then applied to the hair softening and fixing air conditioning.

Hair straightening procedure should only be performed in a beauty salon, because it is a work with strong "chemistry."

 Subtleties treatments | chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty

Indications for chemical straightening

Stylists say that a similar method may resort straightening all women who want to make their hair perfectly straight and smooth, as well as those who want at least a little easier on yourself with what nature rewarded them. The degree of "Curly" in fact can be different - from light waves to really troubled African "springs", and if for some reason can not find the hair silky smooth, you can use the relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
   for the partial easing of tight curls. Hair even become perfectly straight, but caring for them will be less time-consuming, and styling - less problematic.

 Subtleties treatments | chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty


Of course, we're not talking about contraindications, like health, when drug use threatens the health and human life. However, if we care about the health and beauty of the hair, which may be jeopardized, it is necessary to listen and give up the fashionable procedure.

It is not recommended to make chemical straightening, if the hair is bleached, painted with paint containing metal, if the locks are badly damaged and in need of thorough restoration. Rained down on them a certain dose of the chemical composition, you can finally destroy your hair, you will have to cut barber scissors.

 Subtleties treatments | chemical hair straightening: science in the service of beauty


Once the hair is subjected to chemical straightening, attention should be paid to care for them. The best thing would be to give up or reduce to a minimum dried hairdryer, work tools with thermal effect (curling irons, ironing). Combing the hair must be very carefully, avoiding strong mechanical damage. Color the hair may be about two to three weeks after straightening.

Eugene Zhirkina

Article Tags:
  • hair straightening

Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented" - Regulation of care

March 12, 2009

  • Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"
  • Terms of care

Eyelids, their function and structure

Eyelids - two folds that close the eyeball. The eyelids protect the eyes from the adverse effects of the environment, contribute to the uniform wetting of the cornea and conjunctiva.

The skin is thin eyelids, subcutaneous tissue is loose, so skin is easily displaced and stretched, forming, wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Friability (low density), subcutaneous tissue is the cause of frequent occurrence in the area of ​​edema, which can be signs of not only skin diseases, but also diseases of internal organs. Eyelids have a well-developed arterial, venous and lymphatic network.

In the century may appear wrinkles, dark circles (bruises), swelling and fat bags (hernia), age of skin can lose its elasticity.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

How to properly care for the skin of eyelids

Leather century requires a careful systematic care. In the evening, before going to bed Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 You can remove the makeup special day means for cleansing eyelids. Doing it is desirable with a cotton pad Berezhnaya circular motion, starting from the inner corner of the eye, on the upper eyelid to the outer corner, and back - on the lower eyelid to the inner corner (massage lines).

Then applied to the skin Eye Cream (also on the massage lines). It is better to use a special night cream for eyelids that contain ingredients that do not irritate the eyes, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, restores the structure of the skin, as well as tonics that improve the tone of the blood and lymph vessels.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

Massage the face and neck

Face and neck massage improves blood circulation, limfootok, because of which decreases swelling of the veins beneath the eyes. Massages the best course of 10-15 procedures. Of course, this massage should be done only by specially trained masseuse as properly conducted face massage (especially the eyelids) can cause irreparable damage to the skin.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

Swelling, "bruising" Age and how to fight them

Swelling of the eyelids can be a sign of an inflammatory disease of the eye or surrounding tissues. Noninflammatory edema of the eyelids occur when severe heart disease, kidney or thyroid gland The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   and is usually accompanied by swelling of other areas of the body. Swelling can also be the result of poor lifestyle (lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, etc.)

To remove the swelling of the eyelids can be done within a month following the procedure (a day before going to bed)

  • ½ teaspoon chopped herbs of sage Sage - cvyaschennaya grass  Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
   Pour half cup of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, strain, divided into two parts;
  • half of the broth to cool, half - warm up, put two cotton pads in hot broth, two - in the cold;
  • alternately applied for 10 minutes, then cold, then hot drive, finish the procedure with cold disk;
  • lubricate the eyelids toning cream for eyelids.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

Flabby "mashed" forever

The most effective remedy for "mashed" centuries - it's a good dream, not too long nor too short. Sleep should go to bed by 11 pm and wake up no earlier than 7:00 am. From alcoholic drinks should be abandoned. For the "smoothing" the age recommended in the evening to do lotions of strong tea, and then applied to the eyelid skin nourishing cream for age, without rubbing and hammering his fingertips. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles century to begin caring for them is necessary as soon as possible.

In order to remove the sagging skin around the eyes can make lotions from broth of mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
   (half a tablespoon of peppermint pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes, cool, strain). In the broth to moisten the cotton pads and put them on closed eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

Black eye

Around the eyes is very thin skin, subcutaneous tissue is separated from the membrane. If the membrane is thin (it can be an innate feature), the translucent veins under the skin and a visible black eye. The cause of the bruising may also be fatigue, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of vitamins - all of this is a violation of the venous and lymphatic drainage facial.

Reduce the veins in this area can be, putting the morning to the eyelids raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater. After 15-20 minutes, you need to wash up and put on your skin cream for eyelids.

 Terms of care | Skin Care century - how to deal with the "dented"

Hernias century

With age, the skin of the eyelids is undergoing changes that give expression fatigue. The most common cause of this is the appearance of hernias on the eyelids. Hernias of the upper eyelid - fat protrusions, located mostly in the inner corners of the eyes. Hernias are located between the lower eyelid and eyelashes cheek in the form of "bags". Hernias century treats only doctor conservatively (reduction, redistribution) or quickly (removes excess skin and fat tissue).

Skin Care century demands accuracy and punctuality - only the eyes will decorate your face.

  Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • forever
